innovative meets proven
Substitution of calcium-containing insulations and systems
#PROTEKTO - Composite quartz fiber/E-glass needle mat composite
heat resistant up to 750°C
The world's first composite insulation mat with an integrated calcium-free chromate blocker made of #Bergkristall - quartz fibers
"Innovative meets proven" means needling calcium-free and calcium-containing insulation materials in such a way that a calcium-free contact side is created, which can also be easily mounted on hot parts containing chrome, without the formation of calcium chromate, the carcinogenic Cr6 compound, at higher temperatures (chromate blocker).
is the name of the innovation from the company Kavarmat - The Cleansulation company:
The Composite-Mat consists of one first (contact-sided) inner layer of calcium-free quartz high-temperature fibers (#Bergkristall) and one another outer layer consisting of an E-glass fiber needle mat.
Due to the calcium-free so-called "chromate blocker" #PROTEKTO fiber mats can be assembled without hesitation of Chromate formation (Cr-6+) on hot parts containing chrome, such as stainless steel pipes, exhaust gas komponenten or other engine and turbine parts are assembled without because the contact layer does not contain any alkali or alkaline earth metals (sodium, calcium or similar), which could react thermochemically with the chromium compounds of the insulated parts. The health risk for workers and the pollution risk for the environment are eliminated, thanks to the innovative properties of the composite insulation mat #PROTEKTO engineered and developed by Kavarmat - The Cleansulation company.

Kavarmat #PROTEKTO
Composite insulation mat with a calcium-free contact side made of #Bergkristall Quartz fibers to prevent the formation of carcinogenic Chromium (VI) compounds needled with a commercially available E-glass fiber needle mat
Available in thicknesses
5/5 mm, total thickness 10 mm
5/10 mm, total thickness 15 mm
5/15 mm, total thickness 20 mm
5/25 mm, total thickness 30 mm
The first value gives the thickness of the #Bergkristall contact layer (chromate blocker), the second value stands for the thickness of the E-glass fiber needle mat
(Latin: substitutio <> replacement)
Dealing with hazardous substances is subject to the provisions of Hazardous Substances Ordinance (GefStoffV in Germany, COSHH in UK, OSHA in US etc.).
In general, that Employer an activity with hazardous substances may only be recorded after a risk assessment has been made and the necessary protective measures (§ 7 "Basic obligations" paragraph 1 of the GefStoffV (Germany e.g.)).
Carrying out the risk assessment also includes to check the possibility of substitution.
Pursuant to Section 7 (3), the employer shall give priority to substitution on the basis of the result of the substitution test pursuant to Section 6 (1) sentence 2 number 4.
He shall substitute hazardous substances or processes with substances, mixtures or products or processes that are not hazardous or are less hazardous to the health and safety of employees under the respective conditions of use.